Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot login to VCC - nothing happens
Last Updated 10 years ago

Check the following:

Can you access the following URLs in a browser:

App Server:

Media Server:

If these are both accessible then it means the service is running, and most likely there is firewall/proxy block on your network to these services for VCC.


The firewall must be configured to allow both inbound and outbound traffic to the following servers and ports:   5080, 1935           8181

If the VCC RTMFP (UDP) mode is being used rather than RTMP (TCP), then the ports in use will be of the higher ones, which effectively means opening all ports. TCP mode is restricted to the specific post mentioned above. More details on page 22 of the VCC manual.

To check/set the mode, click on File>Settings:


If the server address are different from those above, click the "Default" button to reset to the correct values.


If firewall is fine, there may be a IE proxy setting which is the issue. For VCC this would require a proxy bypass for *

Check under Internet Options/Connection/LAN Settings to see what the proxy settings are.


If any of the options are enabled a proxy server may be being used, and in such cases the proxy exception rule above must be applied.

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